Kicking Kinases into Action: A novel drug screening assay for A-T
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Principal researcher: Dr…
The ATeam: Producing healthcare guidance for children with A-T including the exploration and design of a home-based exercise package
Research Project information
Principal researchers: Munira…
Exploring the Use of Assistive Robots, Smart Sensing and Digital Twin Models for Monitoring and Support of A-T in Non-Clinical Environments
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Principal researcher: Professor…
Investigating the role of mutant Triple T chaperone in ATM assembly in Ataxia Telangiectasia
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Principal researcher: Dr…
Improving diagnosis and treatment of cancer in Ataxia-Telangiectasia patients through whole genome sequencing
Research Project information
Principal researcher: Dr…
Development of a Gene Therapy approach to treat A-T
Research Project information
Principal researcher: Professor…
Biomarkers for Babies and Young Children with Ataxia Telangiectasia (BOBCAT)
Research Project information
Principal researcher: Professor…
Identifying existing drugs to repurpose for treating Ataxia-Telangiectasia
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Principal researcher: Dr…
Exploring Omaveloxolone efficacy in Ataxia-telangiectasia
Research Project information
Principal researcher: Professor…
STIM A-T Pilot Study
Research Project information
Principal researcher: Dr…
Development of suppressor tRNA-based therapeutics
Research Project information
Principal researcher: Professor…
Innovative methods for gene therapy in Ataxia-Telangiectasia
Research Project information
Principal researcher: Professor…