A new coffee brand called “Mornin’ Squire” is being officially launched on 17 June 2016 by Greenfisher, the Reading-based branding agency, in tribute to their founder Stephen Green who had a life-long passion for quality coffee.
£1 from every pack of coffee sold will be going to the charity Action for A-T.

Stephen Green riding in the 2015 Prudential Ride 100
Teaming up with Raw Bean Coffee, an award-winning coffee importer and roaster, “Mornin’ Squire” has been created in memory of Stephen who died during the Prudential Ride 100 cycle ride in August 2015. At the time he was raising money for Action for A-T, to fund research into the complex childhood condition Ataxia Telangiectasia.
“Coffee was Stephen’s favourite drink,” said new managing director of Greenfisher, Craig Thatcher. “He would have loved this new brand and “Mornin’ Squire” was also his favourite greeting – anyone who knew him would immediately know that this name is spot on. Sales of it will also help to raise funds for the charity he enthusiastically supported.”
As the founder of Greenfisher, Stephen had a put together a plan for a significant growth in his business just before he died. With a loyal client base built up over more than twenty years, Greenfisher has been successfully helping ambitious companies to position themselves and communicate more effectively. “Now we are focused on making that plan a reality,” said Craig.
Sean Kelly, Chief Executive of Action for A-T said: “We are very grateful to Stephen, his family and friends for all of the funds they have raised for our charity. The new coffee is an exciting initiative and we would like to thank Greenfisher for developing such a novel way of remembering Stephen and for helping us.”
Mornin’ Squire is available to purchase on-line at a cost of £6.99 per pack. Click on the button opposite to purchase your pack and support Action for A-T