
Action for A-T ensures that if anyone has concerns about things that happen at the charity, there is a safe, fair and effective procedure to enable these concerns to be raised. We therefore have a whistleblowing policy for members of the general public, staff, contractors and volunteers and anyone involved with Action for A-T.

Reporting concerns

If you become aware of bad practice, we encourage you to report your concerns to our Chief Executive or Chair of Trustees without fear. Examples could include failure to uphold professional standards, danger to health and safety, possible criminal activity, or concern that a child or vulnerable adult is being put at risk,

Action for A-T takes very seriously any form of misconduct and wants to help people to raise concerns at an early stage and in the right way. We would rather the matter was raised when it is just a concern, than wait for proof.

As long as people are acting in good faith, it does not matter if they are mistaken. Action for A-T will not tolerate:

  • The harassment or victimisation of anyone raising a genuine concern
  • Someone raising a matter they know is untrue, in order to create trouble or cause mischief to the organisation or to a particular person or people. If this happens, Action for A-T will take appropriate action

If Action for A-T is asked to protect someone’s identity, we will not disclose it without their consent (unless required to do so by a court or the law).

Action for A-T also has a complaints procedure which can be viewed by clicking here. You can also call our head office on 01428 853313 to ask for a hard copy of the complaints procedure.

How to make contact and how concerns are dealt with

Anyone wishing to raise a concern under this policy can either speak to, email or write to the Chief Executive or the Chair of Trustees. Please say if you want to raise the matter privately so that they can make appropriate arrangements.

The Chief Executive (or Chair of Trustees) will provide you with information about the process.

The Chief Executive (or Chair of Trustees) will assess what action should be taken.
Action for A-T will confirm its response in writing.

Action for A-T may not be able to tell you the precise action we take if this would involve us breaking the confidentiality of another person. Action for A-T will deal with all matters raised fairly and properly.

Contact details

You can contact Action for A-T’s Chief Executive by telephoning 01428 853313.

The address is:

Action for A-T
Aruna House
2 Kings Road
GU27 2QA

Email: sean.kelly@actionforAT.org

You can contact Action for A-T’s Chair of Trustees by writing, marking the envelope Private and Confidential, care of the head office address above. You can also email the Chair of Trustees: toby.read@actionforAT.org.

Who regulates Action for A-T’s work and how to contact them?

Action for A-T is a charity registered in England & Wales (No. 1145303) and our work is regulated by the Charity Commission.

If you have any concerns about Action for A-T’s work that you would like to bring to the attention of the Charity Commission they can be contacted by telephone on 0844 248 2658. If you would like to email them you can do this through their website:  charity-commission.gov.uk. Their postal address is:

Charity Commission Direct
PO Box 1227
L69 3UG

We are also registered with the Fundraising Regulator and committed to upholding the Fundraising Promise. The Fundraising Regulator is the independent regulator of charitable fundraising and were established following the cross-party review of fundraising self-regulation (2015) to strengthen the system of charity regulation and restore public trust in fundraising.

If you have any concerns about any of our fundraising practices, please contact the Fundraising Regulator directly by any of the methods below:

The Fundraising Regulator
2nd floor
CAN Mezzanine Building
49-51 East Road
N1 6AH

T: 0300 999 3407
E: enquiries@fundraisingregulator.org.uk