Action for A-T recognise safeguarding as a key governance priority for all charities, regardless of size, type or income, and not just those working with those groups who have traditionally been considered to be vulnerable or ‘at risk’; namely children and young people and vulnerable adults. The charities are committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all its staff, beneficiaries, volunteers and those connected to the activities of the charities.
The safeguarding policy aims to:
- Promote and prioritise the safety and wellbeing of all staff, beneficiaries, volunteers and others who come into contact with Action for A-T.
- Provide assurance that we take reasonable steps to manage safeguarding risks.
- Ensure that everybody understands their roles and responsibilities with regards to safeguarding matters.
- Ensure that appropriate action is taken in the event of any allegations or suspicions of harm from contact with the Action for A-T staff or volunteers.
This safeguarding policy applies to all who work and volunteer for Action for A-T.
Legislative protection exists to ensure the safeguarding of those who are typically considered to be vulnerable or at risk of abuse or neglect. This includes:
- Children and young people under 18 years of age.
- Adults (aged 18 and over) who are considered to be vulnerable or at risk.
Action for A-T do not provide support services to members of the public and do not usually work with those who fall within the remit of the legislation. From time-to-time we may come into contact with young people under 18 years of age, such as hosting a high school student for work experience or in a voluntary capacity. In these circumstances, we have a Young Person Risk Assessment process which must be completed ahead of engagement with the young person.
Action for A-T will take all reasonable steps to safeguard and protect all beneficiaries from abuse or mistreatment by those working or volunteering for us. We will also take all reasonable steps to protect from harm all beneficiaries, employees, volunteers, those connected with our activities, and those who come into contact with us.
Action for A-T will take a risk-based approach to manage safeguarding concerns. Safeguarding will be built into our risk management processes by ensuring issues of safeguarding are considered as part of the risk assessment process. Safeguarding will be included on our risk registers as a stand-alone risk and will be kept under review by our board of Trustees to which risk matters are reserved.
Action for A-T will ensure appropriate due diligence is undertaken on its partners, grant recipients, donors and when recruiting staff, volunteers and Trustees.
Action for A-T will each ensure a member of its Board of Trustees, is nominated to act as the Trustee with responsibility for whistleblowing.
Taking action
An employee who has suspicions or concerns that safeguarding malpractice has occurred, shall follow the charity’s Whistleblowing Policy.
A beneficiary, volunteer or another person who has come into contact with Action for A-T who has suspicions or concerns that safeguarding malpractice has occurred, shall contact the Chief Executive or Chairman, who shall ensure the charity’s whistleblowing procedures are implemented. Should the whistleblower feel unable to raise their concerns with Action for A-T’s most senior member of staff, they should contact the charity’s whistleblowing Trustee. If the whistleblower feels unable to raise their concerns with the charity directly, they may raise the issue with the Charity Commission.
Action for A-T will ensure serious safeguarding incidents are reported adequately and appropriately to the Charity Commission via a Serious Incident Report (SIR). Reports to other external authorities, police and regulators will be made as is appropriate to the safeguarding incident. Decisions regarding whether reports to external authorities, other than the Charity Commission, will be fully risk assessed and not made if they are likely to cause further harm to the victim/survivors, or due process or the rule of law is not reasonably assured. A SIR will be made in any event and will include an explanation of the charity’s decisions on other external reporting.
Related policies
This policy sits alongside the Action for A-T Trustee Code of Conduct and the policies set out in the Employee Handbook. This includes the following key policies:
- Complaints
- Code of Conduct
- Equality & Diversity
- Grievance
- Whistleblowing
This policy will be reviewed triennially or as business reasons dictate.
Associated relevant legislation and guidance
- Charities Act 2011
- Equality Act 2010
- Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
- Human Rights Act 1998
- Protection of Freedoms Act 2012
- Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
- Charity Commission Guidance ‘Safeguarding duties for charity Trustees’
- Charity Commission Guidance ‘How to report a serious incident in your charity
How to make contact and how concerns are dealt with
Anyone wishing to raise a concern under this policy can either speak to, email or write to the Chief Executive or the Chair of Trustees. Please say if you want to raise the matter privately so that they can make appropriate arrangements.
The Chief Executive (or Chair of Trustees) will provide you with information about the process.
The Chief Executive (or Chair of Trustees) will assess what action should be taken.
Action for A-T will confirm its response in writing.
Action for A-T may not be able to tell you the precise action we take if this would involve us breaking the confidentiality of another person. Action for A-T will deal with all matters raised fairly and properly.
Contact details
You can contact Action for A-T’s Chief Executive by telephoning 01428 853313.
The address is:
Action for A-T
Aruna House
2 Kings Road
GU27 2QA
You can contact Action for A-T’s Chair of Trustees by writing, marking the envelope Private and Confidential, care of the head office address above. You can also email the Chair of Trustees:
Who regulates Action for A-T’s work and how to contact them?
Action for A-T is a charity registered in England & Wales (No. 1145303) and our work is regulated by the Charity Commission.
If you have any concerns about Action for A-T’s work that you would like to bring to the attention of the Charity Commission, they can be contacted by telephone on 0844 248 2658. If you would like to email them you can do this through their website: Charity Commission. Their postal address is:
Charity Commission Direct
PO Box 1227
L69 3UG