Our Research Strategy
In addition to supporting and funding research aimed at improving the understanding of Ataxia Telangiectasia (A-T), there are many innovative and exciting medical research opportunities that raise the prospect of real progress in combating the effects of genetic conditions such as A-T. We are committed to doing all we can to maximise these opportunities and our research strategy sets out our key priorities for the next 5 years.
Conflicts of Interest policy
This policy relates to external peer reviewers, the College of Experts (COE), the board of Trustees and any other funding panels of the charity, their chairs and other members.
The purpose of this document is to minimise the potential for conflicts of interest arising and to protect the charity and those who work for it from any perception, real or otherwise, that the external interests and affiliations of its committee members might interfere with their ability to work towards the furtherance of the charity’s objectives.
COE – Terms of Reference
We have an excellent peer review process that supports our strategic priorities while remaining responsive to new opportunities. Our College of Experts (COE) review all of our research applications and adhere to the following terms of reference.
Position Statements
Action for A-T is a member of the Association of Medical Research Charities and supports its ‘Policy statements’ including:
- Supporting research in universities, for further information see
https://www.amrc.org.uk/position-statement-on-supporting-research-in-universities - The use of animals in research, for further information see
https://www.amrc.org.uk/position-statement-on-the-use-of-animals-in-research - The importance of involvement in medical research, for further information see
For the reasons outlined in the statement, Action for A-T funds medical research involving animals when there is no feasible alternative. We are committed to encouraging better practice and the developments of alternatives to animal use wherever possible. We require all our researchers to apply the highest standards of animal welfare in line with strict UK Home Office guidelines. When research is funded internationally, we expect that all research is carried out in the spirit of the UK legislation, in addition to being compliant with all required local legislation and ethical review procedures.
For further information see ‘why do medical research charities fund animal research‘